Tranforming Energies For


HEALING IS DIVINE GIFT, LEARN AND SPREAD IT TO SAVE HEALTH, WEALTH & TIME" It include acupressure, Seed therapy, color therapy, twist therapy and acupuncture


Transforming Energies For Healing

As a Reiky Acharya my greatest joy comes from inspiring and helping you to become the empowered, optimistic, healthy and happy individual that you wish to be.

I believe true happiness comes from the freedom to be who we are without judgement from ourselves or others. I want to encourage you to love and accept yourself fully; to be true to who you are.

Indu khanna is a Science graduate with with M.B.A degree,she worked 8 years in multinational companies. She is Grand Master Reiki Acharya, Master NLP coach & Counsellor, Pranik Healer, Rajyogi, Soft skill trainer,Past and Present life Regressionist, Sujok Therapist, Conduct special workshops on Crystal Healing, Dowsing, law of Attraction, Mid brain Activation, Personality Grooming sessions & many more.. She is lovable, humble and dynamic Entrapranure who believes in herself and believe in law of Attraction and work as freelancer in corporate as well as in School and Collages and also provide councelling sessions on personalized basis. She believes in sharing her skilled knowledge of healing (achieved through various alternative therapies) in her sessions and she is always open in giving ample follow-ups fr easy understanding of subjects and give personalized attention to individual and help them in resolving there issues...she motivates her student to promote group distant healing to needy people and help them to expertise there skills ...


Disease management, Hypnosis, crystal, dowsing, acupressure, sujok, 
access consciousness bar therapy, lama fera therapy)
Predictions (Tarot, Numerology, Dowsing, Akashic readings)

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Distance Healing is the form of Reiki energy sent across time and space, even if the recipient is not physically present. This type of healing works in a similar way to being in the presence of the healer and is equally effective as when the recipient is present. The energy body can be accessed easily from anywhere in the world and at any time.


Distance healing helps in restoring balance at all four levels of human life- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.Indu has a vast experience in the distance healing form of reiki and many people across the world have benefitted from her sessions.

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+91. 7021797786
+91. 9699049786